Sophos XGS 3300 Firewall

Firewall Throughput Specification
Recommended user 750
Firewall throughput 40,000 Mbps
Threat Protection Throughput 2,770 Mbps
Concurrent Connections 13,700,000
Firewall IMIX 24,500 Mbps
IPS throughput 13,440 Mbps
New connections/sec 257,800
Xstream SSL/TLS Inspection 3,130 Mbps
Firewall Latency (64 byte UDP) 4 µs
Xstream SSL/TLS
Concurrent connections
SKU: XGS 87-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Category:


Sophos XGS Firewall

Xstream Protection

Sophos Firewall’s Xstream architecture protects your network from the latest threats while accelerating your important SaaS, SD-WAN, and cloud application traffic.

  • TLS 1.3 Decryption

    Remove an enormous blind spot with intelligent TLS inspection that’s fast and effective, supporting the latest standards with extensive exceptions and point-and-click policy tools to make your job easy.

  • Deep Packet Inspection

    Stop the latest ransomware and breaches with high-performance streaming deep packet inspection, including next-gen IPS, web protection, and app control, as well as deep learning and sandboxing powered by SophosLabs Intelix.

  • Application Acceleration

    Accelerate your SaaS, SD-WAN, and cloud traffic such as VoIP, video, and other trusted applications automatically or via your own policies, putting them on the Xstream Fast Path to optimize performance.

Powerful Performance

The XGS Series delivers Xstream performance at every price point to power the protection you need for today’s diverse, distributed, and encrypted networks.

  • Powered by Xstream

    Accelerate and offload your important SaaS, SD-WAN, and cloud traffic at the hardware level, while adding performance headroom for TLS and deep packet inspection with integrated Xstream Flow Processors.

  • High-Speed Connectivity

    Customize your firewall’s already versatile connectivity options with an extensive range of add-on modules for high-speed copper, fiber, Power over Ethernet (PoE), and Wi-Fi.

  • Purpose-Built Performance

    Rest assured, your firewall is purpose-built from the core to handle the most demanding workloads with a dual processor architecture, generous memory provisioning, and high-performance solid-state storage.

Sophos XGS Firewall License

Standard Protection Bundle 

Features :-
Base License
Networking, wireless, Xstream
Architecture, unlimited Remote Access
VPN, Site-to-Site VPN, reporting
Network Protection Xstream TLS and DPI engine, IPS, ATP,
Security Heartbeat, SD-RED VPN, reporting
Web Protection Xstream TLS and DPI engine, Web Security
and Control, Application Control, reporting
Enhanced Support 24/7 support, feature updates, advanced
replacement hardware warranty for term.

Xstream Protection Bundle

Features :-
Base License Networking, Wireless, Xstream Architecture, Unlimited Remote Access VPN, Site-to-Site VPN, reporting
Network Protection Xstream TLS and DPI engine, IPS, ATP, Security Heartbeat, SD-RED VPN, reporting
Web Protection Xstream TLS and DPI engine, Web Security and Control, Application Control, reporting
Zero-Day Protection Machine Learning and Sandboxing File Analysis, reporting
Central Orchestration* SD-WAN VPN Orchestration, Central Firewall Advanced Reporting (30-days), MTR/XDR ready
Enhanced Support 24/7 support, feature updates, advanced replacement hardware warranty for term.

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