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Author Archives: firewallfirmadmin

Attackers delete GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket repositories and replace with ransom notes

A GitHub search revealed almost 400 Github repositories that have been targeted in this manner. According to, there have been 27 abuse reports and all the abuse reports include the same ransom note. What is the issue? Attackers have targeted GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket users by replacing the code and commits from the victims’ Git repositories and leaving a ...

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New ransomware called MegaCortex infects corporate computer networks

It is reported that the attackers spread this ransomware mainly using Windows domain controllers in the victim’s network. Furthermore, the group used a mix of automation tools and manual components in order to deploy the ransomware to a large number of victims. A new ransomware has been discovered this past week. Known as ‘MegaCortex’, the ransomware targeted victims across the ...

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Watertown Daily Times again gets hit with Ryuk ransomware attack

The ransomware spread throughout Johnson Newspaper Corp., infecting servers used for internal sharing of content used to produce newspapers in Watertown, Hudson, and Massena. The ransomware attack also impacted the media firm’s emails server and Internet-based phones. Watertown Daily Times, which was initially targeted with a cyber attack on April 27, 2019, was again targeted with a ransomware infection on ...

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Mirrorthief cybercrime group targets online campus stores in the US and Canada with card skimming malware

The group has impacted 201 online campus stores in the United States and Canada. The group is using Trojan.JS.MIRRORTHEIF.AA to steal payment card and personal details of customers. The Magecart credit card skimming attack has recently been found to be linked with a new cybercrime group called Mirrorthief. The group has impacted 201 online campus stores in the United States ...

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Google adds option to auto-delete search and location history data

Following a year’s worth of privacy scandals and criticism for collecting users’ geo-location data, Google announced today plans to roll out a new feature that will let users auto-delete location, browsing, and search history data from their accounts after a certain period of time. The new feature is set to roll out in the coming weeks, according to Google, and ...

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Around 50000 firms that use SAP solutions left vulnerable with new exploits

The exploits could be used by attackers to fully compromise SAP applications as well as delete all business data. Vulnerabilities present in SAP NetWeaver installations were primarily targeted by these exploits. Around 50,000 companies using SAP software are at great risks as new exploits target software configuration flaws. A recent report by cybersecurity firm Onapsis has detailed these exploits, which ...

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LockerGoga: An insight into the ransomware that targets industrial and manufacturing companies

LockerGoga infected companies include Altran Technologies, Norsk Hydro, Hexion, and Momentive. The ransomware was first spotted on January 24, 2019, when it infected Altran Technologies, forcing the French company to shut down its IT network and all applications. LockerGoga is a ransomware that primarily targets industrial and manufacturing companies. LockerGoga infected companies include Altran Technologies, Norsk Hydro, Hexion, and Momentive. ...

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Ad Server Patched to Stop Possible Malware Distribution

Revive Adserver patches two vulnerability, one of which may have been used to allow hackers to deliver malware to third-party websites. UPDATE The open-source advertising platform Revive Adserver is urging customers to patch two vulnerabilities, one of which is critical and may have been exploited to allow hackers to deliver malware to third-party websites. Revive Adserver, formerly known as OpenX ...

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Cisco warns of a critical vulnerability in Nexus data-center switches

The security flaw could allow attackers to surreptitiously access system resources of data centers. Designated as CVE-2019-1804, the flaw was given a severity rating of 9.8 out of 10. A severe vulnerability in Nexus switches has been uncovered by the Cisco team. The flaw was disclosed by the networking company in its security advisories released this week. Secure Shell (SSH ...

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Wipro phishing attack was conducted using ScreenConnect and Powerkatz tools, indicates new intel

ScreenConnect is a remote access tool (RAT) used for remote meetings. Powerkatz is a PowerShell version of Mimikatz. New intelligence about the actors behind the attack on India’s largest IT outsourcing and consulting organization Wipro has emerged lately. It is found that the attack on Wipro was conducted using ScreenConnect and Powerkatz. What does the new update say? Researchers from ...

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Information Security - InfoSec - Cyber Security - Firewall Providers Company in India













What is Firewall? A Firewall is a network security device that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on an organization's previously established security policies. At its most basic, a firewall is essentially the barrier that sits between a private internal network and the public Internet.


Secure your network at the gateway against threats such as intrusions, Viruses, Spyware, Worms, Trojans, Adware, Keyloggers, Malicious Mobile Code (MMC), and other dangerous applications for total protection in a convenient, affordable subscription-based service. Modern threats like web-based malware attacks, targeted attacks, application-layer attacks, and more have had a significantly negative effect on the threat landscape. In fact, more than 80% of all new malware and intrusion attempts are exploiting weaknesses in applications, as opposed to weaknesses in networking components and services. Stateful firewalls with simple packet filtering capabilities were efficient blocking unwanted applications as most applications met the port-protocol expectations. Administrators could promptly prevent an unsafe application from being accessed by users by blocking the associated ports and protocols.


Firewall Firm is an IT Monteur Firewall Company provides Managed Firewall Support, Firewall providers , Firewall Security Service Provider, Network Security Services, Firewall Solutions India , New Delhi - India's capital territory , Mumbai - Bombay , Kolkata - Calcutta , Chennai - Madras , Bangaluru - Bangalore , Bhubaneswar, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Pune, Surat, Jaipur, Firewall Service Providers in India

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